Vegetables & Side dishes

„Waldviertler Surf & Turf“

Klaus Hölzl
November 2020

Artichoke medley

Danilo Ange
November 2015

Asparagus with Hollandaise sauce

Heiko Antoniewicz
April 2015

Beans, pears and pork belly

July 2015


Mattias Roock
April 2017

Beetroot with tofu and cranberry

René Frank
June 2017

Black Angus Bavette mit Pastinake

Christina Steindl
December 2018

Black Angus oyster blade | Celery beer mousse, hay ash, bulb vegetables

Nicolas Rathge
November 2020

Blue cobia - royal barley – coral

Patrick Landerer
December 2020

Bush beans

Andreas Miessmer
April 2015

Carrot spears

Andreas Miessmer
April 2015

Carrots with lemon grass

Andreas Miessmer
April 2015

Cobia, dashi butter, beer straws and Andean potatoes

Florian Wörgötter
November 2020

Cocktail tomato confit

Andreas Miessmer
April 2015

Cocktail tomatoes

Andreas Miessmer
April 2015

Cooked Chicory

Detlev Ueter
April 2015

Cream of roasted cauliflower, shrimp tails and coral foam

Danilo Ange
June 2020

egg 62 °C with broccoli sauce

Danilo Ange
September 2018

Egg yellow from a Farmer´s egg

Erlantz Gorostiza
June 2016

Hanging steak from Swabian cattle with salad and onions

Benjamin Maerz
August 2020

Jellied egg with forest mushrooms

Erlantz Gorostiza
April 2016

Kohlrabi | buckwheat | citrus fruits

Benjamin Maerz
July 2020

Lamb loin, celeriac puree, and coffee

Danilo Ange
May 2020

Mashed potatoes

April 2015

Parmesan consommé

Richard Rosendale
April 2015

Parsley Root

Heiko Antoniewicz
March 2015

Parsley Tagliatelle with Simmered Ragout

Danilo Ange
May 2015

Perfect sous vide egg

Danilo Ange
June 2016

Pole beans with lardo

Andreas Miessmer
April 2015

Pole beans with rosemary

Andreas Miessmer
July 2015

Radishes with fresh cheese

Jan Philipp Berner
July 2016

Red cabbage with black salsify and romanesco

Christoph Brandstätter
November 2015

Rib Fingers / Peas / Eggplant / Amaranth

Thomas Mader
September 2021

Rib Fingers, Caramelized Onion, Tarragon, Iceland Moss

Sandra Scheidl
August 2021

Romanesco broccoli

Andreas Miessmer
April 2015

Rose fish with fennel

Jan Philipp Berner
August 2016

Saffron fennel

Andreas Miessmer
April 2015

Saffron fennel slices

Andreas Miessmer
July 2015

Spring vegetables

Andreas Tuffentsammer
March 2015

Variations on carrots, mandarins and parsley

Marius Tim Schlatter
July 2016

White asparagus on a St. George´s mushroom mayonnaise foam

Erlantz Gorostiza
March 2016