Chicken legs sous vide

Heiko Antoniewicz
Cooking time:
5 hours 30 minutes
Preparation time:
40 minutes

For 4 servings

Chicken legs (sous vide):
4 chicken legs
40 g salt
1 l water
30 g hot rose pepper
30 ml sun flower oil
20 g butter
Peppers (sous vide):
4 red peppers
40 ml olive oil
1 twig of thyme
Salt to taste

Herbed rice (sous vide):
150 g long-grain rice
400 ml water
6 g salt
1 small bunch of parsley, finely chopped
1 small bunch of chives, finely chopped


Chicken legs (sous vide):
Dissolve the salt in water. Marinate the chicken legs in the salt water for 4 hrs in the fridge. Remove from the salt water and pat dry. Melt the butter and stir in the rose pepper. Blend with the olive oil and brush the chicken legs with this paste. Vacuum and cook in your fusionchef sous vide water bath at 65 °C for 4 hours. To finish brown under the grill.

Peppers (sous vide):
Quarter the peppers, cut out the stubs and remove the seeds. Cut each quarter into three pieces, salt, and vacuum with the other ingredients. Cook your fusionchef sous vide water bath at 85 °C for 30 minutes and glaze in a pan shortly before serving.

Herbed rice (sous vide):
Vacuum the rice with the water and salt. Cook in your fusionchef sous vide water bath at 95 °C for 60 minutes. When done, put the rice into a casserole and fold in the herbs. Season to taste.

To round off the, dish we recommend serving it with dark gravy.