Steamed trout sous vide

Sous Vide Forelle „Blau“
Heiko Antoniewicz
Cooking time:
1 hour 3 minutes

For 4 servings

Trout (sous vide):
2 trout
30 ml light vinegar
100 ml fish stock
2 allspice berries
5 white pepper corns
30 g butter
40 g each fine strips of carrot, leek, and celeriac
1 twigs of tarragon
20 ml white wine
1 wide zest of orange peel

Potato salad (sous vide):
240 g potatoes cut into 1 cm cubes
1 cucumber, diced
1 small onion
1 tbs. chives
60 ml sun flower oil
40 ml water
20 ml herb-flavored vinegar


Trout (sous vide):
Fillet the trout and try not to damage the skin. Remove the bones, cut in half and put aside skin-up.
Add the white wine and herbs to the fish stock and boil up. Infuse for 15 minutes. Add the butter and mix. Season it well with vinegar and salt.

Sweat the vegetable strips with the orange peel and season to taste. Add the plucked tarragon. Place the vegetable into a vacuum bag and add the fish filet. Vacuum and cook sous vide at 56 °C in the fusionchef sous vide water bath for 18 minutes. Arrange the trout with the sauce and vegetables.

Potato salad (sous vide):
Sweat the onions in a bit of oil and add a little bit of salt. Blend with the potato cubes and cucumber dice. Add the remaining oil, water and vinegar. Blend and vacuum. Cook sous vide in a fusionchef sous vide water bath for 45 minutes at 85 °C. Season while warm and add the chives.

We recommend serving this dish with lamb’s lettuce.