Octopus with cauliflower mixture
For 6 people
Octoous (sous vide):
900 gr octopus
Cauliflowers mixture (sous vide):
400 gr cauliflowers
200 gr cooked chickpeas
1 chili pepper
1 bunch of chives
extra virgin olive oil
salt and pepper
Smoked paprika
Octoous (sous vide):
Put into a cooking pouch the octopus and cook it in the fusionchef bath for 3 hours at 84 °C. Cool down.
Cauliflowers mixture (sous vide):
Cut the cauliflowers and season them with salt, pepper and oil. Put the cauliflowers into the fusionchef bath for 40 minutes at 85 °C. Cool down.
Add to the cauliflowers the chickpeas, the minced chili pepper, the chives, salt, pepper and oil. Cut the octopus into pieces, sprinkle it with smoked paprika. Arrange the octopus in a plate and serve it with cauliflowers and chickpeas.