Sous vide egg 62 °C with broccoli sauce

Sous vide egg 62 °C with broccoli saucePerfektesei Broccolisauce Daniloange
Danilo Ange

6 eggs
100 gr leeks
100 gr potatos
300 gr broccoli
30 gr anchovy without salt
vegetable broth
smoked paprika
bread croutons
extra virgin olive oil
salt & pepper


Cut the leeks into small cubes and gentle cook in a pan with a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil. Add potatos already cutted into cubes to the lekks, cover them with the vegetable broth and let them cook for 10 minutes. Then add broccoli, salt and pepper. As soon as all the ingredients are cooked, blend them all together with the anchovies.  Cook the eggs sous vide in the fusionchef water bath for 30 minutes at 62 °C.
Once cooked serve the egg over the sauce and finish with smoked paprika and bread croutons.  

This recipe was kindly provided by Danilo Ange.