Georgia Mint Julep - Mint Bourbon sous vide infusion
Mint Bourbon infusion (sous vide):
5 twigs green mint (hierba buena)
½ zest of a lime
2 slices of vineyard peach
500 ml Wild Turkey 101
5 cl Mint Bourbon
3 cl sugared water (1:1)
1 twig of green mint
1 cl Pierre Ferrand Dry Curacao
½ cl fresh lime juice
Twig of mint
Mint Bourbon infusion (sous vide):
Vacuum all ingredients in a bad and cook in a fusionchef water bath at 50 °C for 10 minutes.
Quench the liquid in ice water and strain it through a paper filter.
Place all ingredients in a silver beaker (or beaker glass) with crushed ice and stir until really cold (ideally the ice sticks to the outside of the beaker!).
Fill once more with crushed ice.
Garnish the cocktail with a twig of mint and serve it with a straw.
This recipe was generously provided by Andreas Till.