Octopus with stracciatella and beetroot

  • octopusImg 1416  720x389jpg
Danilo Ange
Level of difficulty:

For  6 people:

1,2 kg octopus


400 gr stracciatella

½ dl cream

beetroots powder

capers powder

extra virgin olive oil

salt & pepper


Rinse octopus under cold water.

Put it in a vaccum pouch with rosemary and let it cook sous vide in fusionchef water bath at 82 °C for four hours. Cool down.

Blend stracciatella, add cream and put the sauce in a siphon loaded with gas. 

Season octopus with salt, pepper, extra virgin olive oil and cut it into small cubes.

Serve the octopus in a plate with the stracciatella mousse and beetroots and cappers powder. 


This recipe was kindly provided by Danilo Ange.