Douglasien- und Oliven-Martini Sous Vide

  • Olive Martini Sous VideOlive Martini Alex Kratena
Alex Kratena
Level of difficulty:

Olive base (Sous Vide):
80 g Gordal olives
350 ml Hepple Gin
100 ml of spirit (Charlene McGee from Empirical Spirits)

200 ml Noilly Prat Dry
45 ml of the olive base
10 dashes of Grapefruit Bitters

10 pcs. lemon peel

Glass: Coupe
Method: Stir
To serve: lemon peel
Ice: omit
Servings: 10


Olive base (Sous Vide):
Chop olives and vacuum together with gin and spirit. Cook for 60 minutes at 55 °C in the fusionchef Sous Vide water bath. Allow it to cool down and strain the liquid. Place in the freezer for 5 hours at -18 °C. Strain through a coffee filter.

Mix 20 ml of the vermouth with 45 ml of the olive base, add Grapefruit Bitters. Stir with ice until the cocktail is cold and liquid. Strain into a chilled coupe glass and flavor with lemon peel. Remove the peel afterward. Serve.

This recipe was kindly provided by Alex Kratena.